Month: March 2020


No-one should deny or attempt to minimise the uncertain and challenging time we are living through, least of all those elected to represent us.  We have discussed, as a group, what RBWM’s response should be to Coronavirus/COVID-19. Our first duty is of course to our all of our residents, and we will, until proven wrong, […]

Cllr Simon Bond’s 2020/2021 budget speech

* Councillors often vary their speeches as a result of the debate, and Cllr Bond wishes to point out that this blog may not represent exactly what he said. It does, however, represent his views. We have neighbourhoods of Victorian & Edwardian housing built before the motor car with minimal off‑street parking, only a short hop from a town centre. Without residents’ parking permits, they become overspill town centre parking and residents feel they have very little choice about paying. If the definition of a charge is paying […]

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