Demand better town centre vision

Local Lib Dems are calling for a major change n
how the town centre moves forward.
Residents have been shocked by the approval of so
many high-rise flats by the Conservative council
and the ‘cell-block prison’ architecture that some

The Waterway quarter is developing nicely
however plans for the rest of the centre have been
very disappointing.

Lib Dems are calling for:

Turning the town centre into a Community Hub
which is not just about shops but also about health,
education, entertainment, leisure, arts & culture.

A new town centre design guide that rules out any
more of the Prisoner Cell Block H style

A move away from approving any more high-rise
flats – there are enough already with planning
permission like the 25 storey one to replace
Nicholson’s Walk.

To join our campaign for a new town centre vision please sign up here.

Josh Reynolds says, “It is not too late. Although
the council has already approved many high-rise
flats, we can still stop any more damage, and focus
on a town centre for Maidenhead residents, not for

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