About Joshua

Joshua has lived in Maidenhead his whole life. He lived in the family home on Courthouse Road before buying his own flat just off Wootton Way. He attended Alwyn Infant, Courthouse Junior, and Furze Platt Senior schools. Aged 16, his first job was working at Marks & Spencer on Maidenhead High Street, and he went on to achieve a First at Cardiff Metropolitan University in Business and Management Studies. As part of his degree, Joshua wrote a dissertation on the future of the High Street and what the High Street needs to do to survive.
Joshua was elected a councillor for Furze Platt in Maidenhead in 2019 and campaigned for new, safer school crossings and improved access to public transport. Since being elected to Westminster, his priorities have remained the same, whether fighting for St Mark’s hospital, pushing for more GP services, or doing everything he can to hold the water company to the fire over the sewage crisis.
Maidenhead is a special place, it’s where we call home. I will continue to fight to make it a better place in live
Joshua Reynolds MP

Fighting for St Marks Hospital
Our NHS is under so much pressure, and its hardworking staff have been let down. They need the support of their MP to deal with the growing demands for their help. We need the Walk-in centre at St Marks re-opened to help keep people out of A&E
Campaigning for our schools
Being brought up in Maidenhead, I know what an amazing education I received in our fabulous schools. But it is true that there is a major problem of a backlog of repairs in many of our schools, and a real problem with funding which needs to be fixed.

Protecting our Environment
Water companies pumped sewage into our rivers and seas more than 1 million times over the past three years. The sewage not only comes down the Thames where it is released at multiple sites including Henley, it is even released into the Cut in North Bracknell which then joins the Maidenhead Waterway in Bray.
Supporting our Community
Community has always been so important to me – I believe in the power of strong communities, both for the individual, to improve wellbeing and resilience, to give a sense of place and belonging, and for the population as a whole, to bring about positive change.

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