About Joshua Reynolds

Introducing the Lib Dem parliamentary spokesperson for Maidenhead.

Time for a fresh start

Later this year. the UK will go to the polls in a General Election. And here in Maidenhead, the choice before local people is clear. Either we’ll have more of the same with a Conservative MP, who will take our area for granted when they vote in Parliament while the Conservative Party continues to fight amongst themselves. Or we can get real change – and a fresh start for Maidenhead – with Josh Reynolds as our new MP.

Josh Reynolds has lived here all his life

Josh is born and brought up in Maidenhead and can be trusted to stand up for our area. Josh is at the heart of our community – he knows first-hand what damage consecutive Conservative governments have done here.

Josh Reynolds is a strong local champion

As a local councillor, Josh has campaigned on local issues such as the restoration of NHS Walk-in urgent care services, free school meals during the school holidays and the water companies’ appalling record on river pollution.

Joshua has lived in Maidenhead his whole life, he lived in the family home on Courthouse Road, before buying his own flat just off Wootton Way.

He attended Alwyn Infant, Courthouse Junior, and Furze Platt Senior schools.

Aged 16, his first job was working at Marks & Spencer on Maidenhead High Street, and he went on to achieve a First at Cardiff Metropolitan University in Business and Management Studies. As part of his degree, Joshua wrote a dissertation on the future of the High Street and what the High Street needs to do in order to survive. 

After University, Joshua became a manager for a supermarket chain across the South East managing a team of around 80 people with £12 million turnover a year.

Since May 2019, he’s been a Ward Councillor for Furze Platt alongside Catherine del Campo. Since the Liberal Democrats took control of the local council in May last year, he has been the Cabinet Member for Communities & Leisure looking after the Borough’s parks, leisure centres, libraries and tourism. 

One the first decisions he made as the Cabinet Member for leisure centres was to terminate a procurement exercise for our leisure centres which, due to a change in government VAT legislation, would have left the council, and therefore taxpayers, out of pocket by around £6,000,000 over the 12-year contract period. Instead of this, he initiated a 20-month contract extension and is now working through options to help us take advantage of the changes to VAT rules. 

As the Lib Dem parliamentary spokesman for Maidenhead, he has campaigned to reopen the walk-in centre at St Marks hospital, and has started a petition to stop Thames Water dumping sewage into the Thames, and recently written to Barclays Bank to express his disappointment at the planned closure of their branch in Maidenhead. He is currently working with them to secure an alternative location within Maidenhead so face-to-face banking can continue at least a few days a week.

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