The Borough’s Conservatives have announced plans to move council offices to a new corporate HQ, meaning Maidenhead’s Town Hall is once more at risk of being sold to developers.
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When the local Conservatives unveiled their plans for York Road, we were promised that the area would be the cultural heart of Maidenhead. Now, we learn that the Community Centre will be moved to the other side of the A4, the Heritage Centre will be homeless, and the £2 million promised for the Desborough Theatre seems to have evaporated into thin air.
All this council seems to care about is selling off land to developers and building high-rise flats, while also closing community facilities like libraries, youth clubs and children’s centres. Soon there will be nothing left that is recognisably Maidenhead.
What would the Lib Dems do?
Research shows that the effect on climate change of knocking down buildings and building new ones is actually far greater than the carbon they produce.
We believe the Town Hall can be brought up to date wing by wing and floor by floor, for a fraction of the cost outlined in the Cabinet paper, which seems to have been put together in a very ‘finger in the air’ manner. As soon as we are allowed to discuss the costings, we will — they are currently ‘secret’.
We haven’t changed our position on saving Maidenhead’s iconic Town Hall, and it seems as though the Tories haven’t either.
Twenty years ago, the Liberal Democrats and local residents managed to stop an attempt by the Conservatives to knock down the Town Hall — and we can do it again. Please do join our campaign to stop this devastating fire sale.