Local Liberal Democrats are proposing a vision for our town centre which turns it into a Community Hub which is not just about shops but also about health, education, entertainment, leisure, arts & culture.
Residents of Maidenhead are getting increasingly frustrated with the lack of vision for the town centre. The Conservative plan of lots of high-rise tower blocks is not the solution to the problems of our town centre.
Lib Dem campaigner Joshua Reynolds said, “The opportunities open to the Borough with the sale of the Nicholson’s Centre should not be missed this time.
“We are currently talking to a number of providers who are really excited about the possibilities for Maidenhead – entertainment providers like ten-pin bowling, education providers, health providers and arts organisations.
“More damage is being done almost daily at the moment – the leisure centre moving away from the town centre, a two-year period when the main car park will be closed without adequate alternatives, very few truly affordable flats, and the high-rise blocks are getting taller – the latest proposals have 17 storeys!”
Josh continued, “This is our opportunity to make our town centre once again a place where people can exchange ideas, learn new skills and become healthier as well as do their shopping.”
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