Following a packed discussion between residents in Furze Platt’s memorial hall recently, over 30 letters have been sent from local households responding to the planned Sainsbury’s store in Furze Platt Road. The store, proposed to be sited where the former Charters Garage operated, has sparked a great deal of concern amongst many in the community.
Safety is the paramount concern expressed in letters to Daniel Gigg, the RBWM Planning Officer. The large number of children crossing the road in the area (from Furze Platt Senior School, St. Peter’s Church and the Little Fishes Playgroup) are going to be put in greater danger as congestion increases due to the new store. The situation is already fraught in the morning due to commuters and those travelling to school as well as when the school day ends. Other concerns include the future of the local post office, which could be closed if the corner shop is forced out of business, and the likely increase of illegal parking, which is already a considerable problem in the area.
Jenni Summers, Council candidate for Furze Platt, says:
The response to the planning consultation has been impressive. According to Cllr Mary Stock the application is likely to come under discussion at the Maidenhead Development Control Panel at the end of March, so the next step for residents is to turn out in your droves to meeting to show the strength of their feeling about the application. Also, I suggest others follow Cllr Stock’s recommendation to lobby Council members in advance of the meeting with letters expressing our views on the planning application.
UPDATE: The meeting has been confirmed for 7pm on Wednesday 30th March and it will take place in the Council Chamber in the Town Hall. Keep an eye on the RBWM website to find out what item the application will be on the agenda (there are usually about 4 applications discussed per meeting).