Delighted Maidenhead Road residents are pleased that the yellow lines have finally been painted near the mini-roundabout junction with Station Hill and the Pound. The lines will give the authorities greater powers to challenge bad parking that has been blocking pavements and causing problems. The single line on one side will enable visitors to the nursery to park for short periods to drop off children, but will prevent all-day parking there. Cllr Mike Barnes said “It was over a year ago that parish councillors met with residents and borough officers to get these lines done. It has taken a long time but I am pleased that it has finally happened. ”
Other good parking news, is that the Cookham Rise Primary School implemented a ‘Kiss and Drop’ scheme for the morning school run in High Road and it has prevented congestion and parking problems as well as helping parents drop off more quickly and easily. When terms starts again in September, the afternoon pick-up will be looked at.