Local Lib Dems have been working with parishes across the Borough to assess whether the Council is ready to deal with flooding. Mandy Brar said, “We think there are six things the Borough must do to keep us safe and dry.”
1. Commit to providing pumps and barriers to protect key infrastructure including sewage pumping stations and electricity substations.
2. Create incentives for residents to protect their own homes and small businesses where sandbags don’t work.
3. Provide resilient bus services – reliable alternative services should be routinely provided when normal routes are broken by flooded roads.
4. Carry out regular test exercises to make sure that all the flood services (Borough officers, staff at The Project Centre in Slough, the Emergency Planning Unit and contractors) know how to work with the parishes in the event of flood.
5. Insist that the Environment Agency have a transparent operation system for the Jubilee River, and new River Thames Scheme controls, which are regularly rehearsed.
6. Remove the red tape from local flood defence schemes by making its own Borough assessment of the benefits and getting on with the work if appropriate, for example the A4094 at Widbrook Common.
Borough needs to tackle flooding