One of the proudest achievements of the last Liberal Democrat administration of the Royal Borough between 2003 and 2007 was stopping Berkshire Fire Authority’s plan to sell Windsor Fire Station for redevelopment.
Sadly the current Conservative Council has been far less successful at

saving Windsor’s night time fire service. Whilst the Windsor Labour Party came out in support of closing the Fire Station during the General Election last year.
The Lib Dems have said that if elected in May we will work to build a coalition with neighbouring councils whose firecover is adversely affected by Windsor’s closure, particularly Slough, who will see their fire engine stretched to cover Windsor.
“This is not just an issue for us in Windsor.” says local Lib Dem Antony Wood, who helped lead the campaign to stop the total closure of the fire station six years ago. “Slough will also have less fire cover if the Windsor Fire Engine is parked up at night without a crew.”
Most residents will remember like me just how swiftly the Lib Dems under former council leader Mary Rose Gliksten put pay to the Conservative run Fire Authority’s plan to sell the Fire Station for development – well done Lib Dems.
It seems that all the King’s Horses and All the King’s men can’t stop the Fire Station being closed now the Tories are in charge.
We’ve had David Cameron and Adam Afrye visit the Fire Station we’ve had every kind of protest from the Conservatives – but at the end of the day, despite running the council, the government and the Fire Brigade the Conservatives still can’t save the Fire Station.
All that’s been achieved is a giant waste of our taxes as the Conservative Council took the Conservative Fire Authority to court.