Liberal Democrat’s will oppose a plan for massive development at Alexandra Gardens, The Goswells, Bridgewater Terrace and the Alma Road, River Street and Castle Car Parks as part of the Conservatives’ Candidate’s plans.
The scale of the plans are stunning given that all the Conservative Cadidates have written to all the residents in Castle Without saying they will “campaign against inappropriate development” in central Windsor. Yet one of the very candidates signing this letter is planning exactly that – development on a massive scale.
The Conservatives’ Candidate’s plans, which are part of the Windsor Link Railway Scheme, envisage a massive redevelopment of much of Windsor focused particularly around Alexandra Gardens, The Goswells and River Street areas.
Under the plans Alexandra Gardens area will become home to residential flats built over shops with a multistorey car park underneath. The plan would encompass most of the current railway viaduct, car park and coach park and would extend to include the
current Alma Road Car Park.
Meanwhile the Goswells and Bridgewater Terrace would become the location for a new Windsor Railway Station.
Finally more massive development would see substantial flats, shops and offices built at the location of the current River Street and Castle Car Parks.
“Whilst linking Windsor’s two railway services is clearly desirable, the scale of development proposed by the Conservative’s plans will completely devastate central Windsor. This is far too big a price to pay for the benefits it would bring.” says local community activist Pat Gare.