Green Issues

Lib Dems will fight Conservative’s Plans for Massive Development at Alexandra Gardens

Liberal Democrat’s will oppose a plan for massive development at Alexandra Gardens, The Goswells, Bridgewater Terrace and the Alma Road, River Street and Castle Car Parks as part of the Conservatives’ Candidate’s plans. The scale of the plans are stunning given that all the Conservative Cadidates have written to all the residents in Castle Without […]

Seven Ideas For Greener Campaigning

We care deeply about being green, and so present to you our ideas for greener campaigning in the run up to the local elections. Greener travel.  Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution from travel to meetings and campaign events by car sharing, using public transport, cycling or walking. Green-up your leaflet campaigns. It’s the […]

Renewable energy-can do better-must do better

Stemming from the national coalition agreement agreed by the LibDems in May comes a lifting of the ban on local councils selling renewable energy. Cllr Mike Holness,  LibDem spokesman on the environment said ,  “Chris Huhne, the LibDem Energy and Climate Change Minister wants the United Kingdom to do far better.  He inherited a situation […]

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