
State of Albert Road is a Disgrace

Despite the Conservatives ever increasing claims to be spending more money on the Royal Borough’s Roads, residents are telling the Lib Dems that the roads are worse than ever. One example is the busy Albert Road by the end of the long walk which is now increasingly rutted, thanks to the ineffectiveness of both the […]

Pot hole-pot luck

Local residents have been getting increasingly fed up with the number of pot holes in the roads around Maidenhead. Dave Mackay said, “The Council cannot seem to be able to repair a pot hole. They reappear after a week or so and have to be redone.” Dave added, “The Council Conservatives recently made the bizarre […]

Ellington Park

Swift action by your LibDem councillors have ensured that patch repairs were done to potholes in the inner area of Ellington Park before winter weather hit. The work was completed to provide a flat road surface. LibDems have also made sure that in the spring the housing association , who are responsible for the inner […]

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