RBWM Budget

Budget 21/22 — Cllr Amy Tisi’s speech to full council

The pandemic lockdowns have had a devastating effect on many people with disabilities, older people with dementia and their families. Constant uncertainty over when day services would reopen and the disruption to routines has had a huge impact on mental health. The impact of caring for relatives during the pandemic without respite should not be […]

Cllr Simon Bond’s 2020/2021 budget speech

* Councillors often vary their speeches as a result of the debate, and Cllr Bond wishes to point out that this blog may not represent exactly what he said. It does, however, represent his views. We have neighbourhoods of Victorian & Edwardian housing built before the motor car with minimal off‑street parking, only a short hop from a town centre. Without residents’ parking permits, they become overspill town centre parking and residents feel they have very little choice about paying. If the definition of a charge is paying […]

Cllr Amy Tisi’s 2020/2021 budget speech

We are told that many of the proposals before us are not cuts at all, but ‘transformation’, some supposedly motivated by environmental concern, and that they would have been planned even if the finances were not in disarray.  If that is true, what kind of council would willingly vote to close Children’s Centres, like the […]

Cllr Joshua Reynolds’ 2020/2021 budget speech

Less than one year ago, we had local elections, and although the administration between May and now might be the same, with one notable exception, the policies today could not be more different than what was promised. Madam Mayor, today is Shrove Tuesday, otherwise known as Pancake Day, so I will try my hardest not […]

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